Author Greg Braden writes, "The Shift of the Ages has already begun. Ancient prophecies predicted it. Indigenous traditions honour it. Changes within the Earth are affecting your sleep patterns, relationships, the ability to regulate your immune system and your perception of time. You are living a process of initiation that was demonstrated over 2,000 years ago, preparing you to accept tremendous change within your body."
The total lunar eclipse and blood moon follows closely on the Earths vibrations doubling since 2012. The Schumann Frequencies are named after the physicist, Winnfried Otto Schumann, who predicted it mathematically in 1952. They are often referred to as the "sound" of the earth. It’s rather like hearing the sound of a big drum, with that drum being the earth’s resonant cavity. They are a set of spectrum peaks in the extreme low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic resonances. They are excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. (Wikipedia)
Just a few years ago the earth was vibrating at approximately 7.8 hertz, but a few days ago, the Schumann frequency hit 16.5 hertz. This demonstrates that the earth is changing and literally speeding up.
Why is the number 16.5 significant? 16.5, 33, 66, 132 and 264. These numbers are all harmonic to the Solfeggio tone 528, which is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA, the genetic blueprint upon which life is based.
Just a few years ago the earth was vibrating at approximately 7.8 hertz, but a few days ago, the Schumann frequency hit 16.5 hertz. This demonstrates that the earth is changing and literally speeding up.
Why is the number 16.5 significant? 16.5, 33, 66, 132 and 264. These numbers are all harmonic to the Solfeggio tone 528, which is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA, the genetic blueprint upon which life is based.
If the Schumann frequency is resonating at a harmonic of 528, the frequency which scientists use to repair broken DNA, would it not it suggest then, that the Earth's DNA just may be repairing itself
right now? Maybe, just maybe, the Earth’s change of vibration to the harmonic of 528 is kick-starting our DNA re-activation, in order that we can move in sync with her as she transcends 3D density, to enter 4th and 5th dimensional realms.
Over the past few years, I personally have witnessed incredible shifting in people spiritually awakening, realizing their potential, reaching their hearts desire, connecting with Divine Creator.
If you notice you have been feeling rather strange, ungrounded, exhausted, dizzy, fuzzy or depressed – you are not alone! As the Earth continues to uplift her vibration to the new dimensional frequencies, with the Sun assisting by sending us massive charges of intense radiation on almost a daily basis now, you are acclimatizing to match her vibration, so that you can begin your journey.
So hang on to your panties, this is going to be the ride of your life!!!!
So hang on to your panties, this is going to be the ride of your life!!!!
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