Reiki Speaks To Me

Reiki Speaks To Me

Monday, September 28, 2015

A New Day

We are now nearly 24 hours after the blood moon eclipse and many, many changes are in play. Have you felt the shift? Have you been struggling for a few weeks as all these changes have been put in play? Love waves, solar flares and Ascension/awakening reaching critical mass on our earth.

Author Greg Braden writes, "The Shift of the Ages has already begun. Ancient prophecies predicted it. Indigenous traditions honour it. Changes within the Earth are affecting your sleep patterns, relationships, the ability to regulate your immune system and your perception of time. You are living a process of initiation that was demonstrated over 2,000 years ago, preparing you to accept tremendous change within your body."

The total lunar eclipse and blood moon follows closely on the Earths vibrations doubling since 2012. The Schumann Frequencies are named after the physicist, Winnfried Otto Schumann, who predicted it mathematically in 1952. They are often referred to as the "sound" of the earth. It’s rather like hearing the sound of a big drum, with that drum being the earth’s resonant cavity. They are a set of spectrum peaks in the extreme low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic resonances. They are excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. (Wikipedia)

Just a few years ago the earth was vibrating at approximately 7.8 hertz, but a few days ago, the Schumann frequency hit 16.5 hertz. This demonstrates that the earth is changing and literally speeding up.

Why is the number 16.5 significant? 16.5, 33, 66, 132 and 264. These numbers are all harmonic to the Solfeggio tone 528, which is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA, the genetic blueprint upon which life is based.

If the Schumann frequency is resonating at a harmonic of 528, the frequency which scientists use to repair broken DNA, would it not it suggest then, that the Earth's DNA just may be repairing itself
 right now? Maybe, just maybe, the Earth’s change of vibration to the harmonic of 528 is kick-starting our DNA re-activation, in order that we can move in sync with her as she transcends 3D density, to enter 4th and 5th dimensional realms. 

Over the past few years, I personally have witnessed incredible shifting in people spiritually awakening, realizing their potential, reaching their hearts desire, connecting with Divine Creator.

If you notice you have been feeling rather strange, ungrounded, exhausted, dizzy, fuzzy or depressed – you are not alone! As the Earth continues to uplift her vibration to the new dimensional frequencies, with the Sun assisting by sending us massive charges of intense radiation on almost a daily basis now, you are acclimatizing to match her vibration, so that you can begin your journey.

So hang on to your panties, this is going to be the ride of your life!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Worried About What You Think - Who Me?

Do you worry about what others think or say about you?

This is something I have concerned myself with my entire life. And what have I gained from living this way? Absolutely nothing - except maybe more grey hairs. Looking deep within, I wonder, why do I care so greatly, why must everyone like me, why do I crave validation and approval? Through this journey of self-realization, I have come to love myself, appreciate my gifts and accept myself for who and what I am.

So why still then do others opinions haunt me? Growing up, my parents always said I was the sensitive one in the family and oh so self-conscious. But again, I have to stop and ask, what have these worries brought to my life? By chasing the approval of others my own judgement has been clouded. It would seem I have not thought enough of myself to trust that I am enough.

Audrey Hepburn said, "It is none of my business what others think of me." These are great words to live by.

By always worrying about what others think,we negate our own opinion of ourselves. We are each born with a beautiful inner light that shines like no other. So why should we expect all of our thoughts, opinions or physicality to match others. You are an original, so be original. If others don't like or approve of you or your opinions, just like on the Facebook network, they may stop following you. By following the crowd, we will eventually snuff out that light. Let your light shine, so brightly that the whole world can see it and know that it is YOU!!!

If we are always concerned with the approval of others, we might just miss the opportunity to achieve what is our destiny. By constantly looking around and behind us for approval, we just might miss our chosen path.

My father used to say, "You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." This seems like a muddle of words, but really stop and think about them. You absolutely cannot please everyone all the time, so why do we continue to try.

Listening to what others say and tuning out that little voice inside you that tells you they are wrong puts you into a position of self-deception and of not being honest with yourself. You are slowly killing who you truly are, you are killing your very soul.

Abraham Maslow defines self actualization as "being independent of the good opinion of others."  There is nothing wrong in listening to the opinion of others, but exercise your freedom of choice and consciously choose to adopt them or disregard them. Remember, the choice is always yours how you react.

So come along with me on this journey of self actualization. Let us be independent of the good opinion of others and let us choose to live according to our own standards and let our beautiful light shine.

Friday, March 27, 2015

A Special Night ~ Ordination

Tuesday night was such a special evening as a dear, dear soul sister and I were ordained into the ministry, preparing us for officiant status.

The precious moments together as we were anointed with oils, holy water and spoke our vows will remain in my heart forever.

Olivia, who was ordained with me shared these words and sentiments that so perfectly express how this new path feels. "They say that all roads lead you back to home. I firmly believe this, as I feel that this new chapter will begin to align me in such a way that it will allow me to feel all those things that resemble the feeling of home. 
Home, a place that feels full…that feels alive….a home that I remember from a deep place within my knowing and self. A home that has remained quiet and sleeping all this life and now begins to open its windows to allow new and fresh air to fill its many beautiful rooms."

We were each asked to share a declaration before we spoke our vows. These are the words I shared prior to my ordination as a reverend.

As I was preparing for this next step in my journey, my ordination I have such a sense of coming full circle. It is with humility and thanks to the Divine for bringing me through the troubled waters of ill health, chronic pain and depression, and by showing me that these gifts were given in order to bring me to this amazing place of forgiveness, acceptance and gratitude in my life. By allowing my consciousness to go deep into my suffering, I found myself becoming more attuned to my soul and I began to recognize that my suffering was given to deepen my connection to my spirituality and the Divine.

I have often likened my life to that of a caterpillar encased in its’ chrysalis as I too was waiting for the right moment in my journey to be released. Through the years, realizing small changes, many healings and awakenings I was brought to a spiritual revelation three years ago and my beautiful butterfly was released and took flight.

There are great lessons to be learned from suffering and great gifts to share once accepted. But never allow yourself to fall prey to the notion that you are your suffering. Do not allow suffering to identify who you truly are. And never let suffering snuff out your beautiful inner light.

The Japanese use the art of Kintsugi to mend broken china. By filling the cracks with gold it gives a whole new level of aesthetic beauty to the vessel showing that when something has suffered damage it becomes more beautiful.

Reiki opened a door for me allowing me to experience the healing magnificence of Divine universal energies and now I have come home. Reiki guided me to recognize that there is but one life - that life is God. There is but one mind and one power - that mind and power is God. There is but one love - that love is God. The knowing of this gives me the realization that in God I am divine. God is me, I am God - I simply am. God is life, the wisdom that guides me and the unconditional love that comforts me. Reiki opened my heart to the truly sacred presence of God and I now trust in that love.

Having been raised by a Reformed Baptist reverend and author, I never imagined that I too would walk a similar path one day. My dad’s religious beliefs prevented him from allowing the possibility of any belief outside of his own, so in life he would have condemned my spiritual choices, but tonight I can feel his energy surrounding me with love and pride.

Deep within my soul I have always felt that I was destined to something great, something that would affect many. Slowly it has been revealed to me that I am that greatness, as I share my love, my nurturing and my compassion through Reiki. I look forward to sharing these parts of me as I continue in my volunteer position with seniors; continue to growing my Reiki practice, allowing my intuitive abilities to develop, coaching clients and young Reiki practitioners and allowing my spirituality to naturally flourish. It is my sincere hope that opportunities continue to present themselves that allow me to continue sharing my gift with others.

Throughout this journey so many new skills and gifts continue to manifest themselves, one of which has been co-creating beautiful words through Spirit. I find so many of these words follow intense spiritual experiences and if I may, I would like to share some of my poetry with you. 

The pain of the past, simmering just beneath the face she exposed to the world
Always there, churning and bubbling
Destroying her self-esteem, her morals, her thoughts, her abilities
Deeper and deeper they went until she couldn’t recognize herself any longer.

What happened to this woman, what hurts, what pain, what grief?
That left her wanting health, happiness and freedom from the pain
How deep must she dig to release this pain?
Can she find what she seeks?

She experienced abuse, she experienced death; she experienced the loss of a friend
The bite of hatred within her family
All working together to create that fertile ground for negative emotions
Anger, resentment, self-loathing, judgment, bitterness, envy
This girl was good for no one.

But then one day her whole life changed
She was brought to the edge but could she take the next step
What was waiting beyond - forgiveness, acceptance, self-love, humility
Within her reach, yet was she ready to release the past?

The cloaks of grief and depression were wrapped tightly around her
They had her locked within their grips
They comforted her, they eased her pain, protected her from the world
Was she ready to drop these crutches - NO
But deep within she knew she must let them drop from her body
As leaves drop from the trees in autumn.

Shifting, awakening, changing her core, releasing ego, piety, anger, resentment
The pain was moving upwards and outwards - breaking the surface
Her vibrations once so low were now rising; she felt lightness in her soul
She loved, she laughed; she embraced the wholeness of life

Reiki became part of her journey
Introduced to her one winter solstice night
She experienced the pulsing energy and knew she was home
Her searching was done

A new spiritual life was opening to her
The fear of death was gone - replaced with peacefulness
The horror of a cruel God - replaced with a Divine source of unconditional love
She pondered her lives, previously and yet to come
How many lives had she lived, how many more would she live
What gifts had she given, what gifts had she now to offer?

A new life was hers, was within her reach
The hurts were gone, replaced with unconditional all-encompassing love
How did she exist so long unaware - living but not alive?
She would forever be grateful for that winter solstice night
When she felt the energy in that hand on her shoulder
Waking her up, filling her up, freeing her soul
She truly had come home.

Her hands gently touch my face
The hands of this beautiful soul sister
I feel the energy flow; slowly at first, then faster, then harder
My body and soul cries out for this energy

Dark, primal thoughts assault my senses
Ancient memories intrude
As past lives float in and out of my consciousness
On a crystal glass lake I drift
I see a woman in a white robe
I am her and she is me
I am floating, I am rocking, I am pulsing,
The energy is soft, the energy is hard
It is gentle, it is everywhere

My dreams are constantly interrupted
As my body tries to clear the blocks
I will myself to control my body's movements
But they are stronger than my will
Muscles jump and my torso spasms
"Let the energies flow" I hear again and again

Now I sense her hands moving through my chakras
They are on me, they are in me; they are going through me
Our hearts beat as one as her soul gently lays on mine
Then the energy explodes through my body opening, releasing

Sweet, pure love is flowing through the hands of this woman I love
I have known her before
We are bound through our life experiences
The love is pulsing and beating to my very core
To the part of me that wants to stay hidden
The part that cries out "heal me"

I am a goddess, I am divine
I am a healer and I have healed through many, many lives
I see again the woman in white robes
We are one
A healer, a priestess, she walks through my mind
I am becoming who I was born to be

But first I must embrace myself - all of me
My spiritual, my emotional and my physical
Embrace my feminine self, my sensuality
Release the guilt, the deep dark parts of me
The parts I keep secret

Acknowledge, accept and release my shame
Lovingly accept all of me
Forgiving myself as I continue my healing journey
Towards this magnificent woman
In love with herself and her life
And always remembering - I am worthy. 

Deep within my soul there is a sense, an intuition, something I cannot ignore or resist and I hear the words to step forward and accept this new challenge in serving the Divine. Living my truths, sharing and speaking them is the next step in my journey that I am being guided to take.

While I was preparing and meditating on these truths, I could see the face of God in my mind's eye and was given these words, "Step forward in your truth, own it, speak it and bring it to others with your loving compassion".
So tonight I humbly bow in reverence, and as I speak my vows to receive this honor, I will celebrate by vowing to each of you present, that I will hold myself to a higher standard and give nothing less than the very best I have to offer.
I will strive to live my life in such a way that others will see and be drawn to my energy as I share my love and light wherever this journey takes me.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What Do You See in The Mirror?

When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you see YOU or do you see an imagined reflection of yourself, created from all of your past conditioning, all the events, all the things you were told, all the things that you believed. Everything working together to create that image you see. Keeping you stuck in judgement of yourself every time you look at yourself in the mirror.

Through the years you've taken all the hard parts, the rough spots in your life and covered them up, wrapping them in pretty paper, turning them into what you deemed were lovely little gift wrapped packages, gently placed in your memory box that you draw on, when you look at yourself. But, in order to find YOU, you must get down and dirty and get honest with yourself. You must smash open these pretty packages for they are keeping you stuck. 
Once you break through the protective covering of the pretty packages you will see the beautiful shimmers of light sparkling up at you from the remains exposing forgotten truths.

Do you see just how powerful you are, do you see what a courageous person you are ~ look at what you have done!!!

The real YOU, the you inside is the one that you need to see when you look in the mirror. The casing, the physicality of your body is only temporary, so why waste time criticizing it. Instead turn your attention inward and look at the real YOU, dissecting every thought, every feeling until you can let your inner beauty shine. Then when you look in the mirror ~ oh the beauty you will see. The beauty of the universe, the stars ~ all of it encapsulated in your soul.

How do you get past what you see and allow your beautiful inner self to shine? There are many ways to work through this. First you need to let go of all the past conditioning. Louise Hay has a marvellous book, "You Can Heal Your Life", which uses positive affirmations to replace the negative ones that run through your mind. For instance when you are thinking that you are not feeling well on a particular day, replace that thought with, "I am in my best possible health today". When you look in that mirror and instantly start to criticize, take a moment and focus on your positive attributes. And remember that you are uniquely you, there is no one else like you. You have your own unique beauty, your own unique personality, your own way of presenting your beautiful energy to the world. Focus on these things when you are drawn to judge what you consider your physical weaknesses.

Another method used to create a more positive self esteem is called mirror work. By standing in front of mirror, looking yourself in the eyes and expressing love and forgiveness for yourself over and over again, it will soon break down the walls, releasing all those hidden away emotions. Then letting the tears flow will wash away the pain.

Another important thought to keep here is that we all are part of the same universal energy, so holding kind and loving thoughts towards yourself with help move you towards a more loving, kind compassionate approach towards others.

As you step into the new you, your life will become a daily journey of wonder, curiosity, love and joy. Dust off those memory shelves for all the new magnificent parts of YOU that you will be placing there. The light of your soul will illuminate the shining truths that lay before you to claim as your true treasure.

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no-one alive who is Youer than You 
... Dr. Seuss 

If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely 
... Roald Dahl

Monday, February 9, 2015

Complaining Lowers Your Vibrations

To enjoy a wonderful life, we need to be mindful of our thoughts and words. These 20 common complaints are said very regularly and lower your vibrations. And lower vibrations leave you open to more emotional trauma which leads to more physical dis-ease.

1 ~ This headache is getting on my nerves
2 ~ My stomach is so upset 
3 ~ I’m starving 
4 ~ I hate working
5 ~ I hate this weather 
6 ~ The trains, subways, buses were late again
7 ~ I hate sitting in this traffic jam
8 ~ This situation is stressing me out
9 ~ What is wrong with people today
10 ~ There are no good men available any more
11 ~ I feel like crap
12 ~ So and so is such a b**** 
13 ~ I hate my boss, he's an idiot
14 ~ I’m so fat, I hate my hips, I hate my stomach, I hate my thighs
15 ~ Men are such jerks 
16 ~ I hate him/her 
17 ~ What is the matter with kids these days
18 ~ I’m tired, I am so exhausted, I didn't sleep well
19 ~ It’s too hot outside, it's too cold outside, I’m freezing, I'm boiling
20 ~ I'm sooooo bored

In order to have a wonderful and productive life, we must be careful of the thoughts we think and the words we speak. Constantly complaining keeps us trapped in the very energy that we are complaining about.

When we complain, we are verbalizing our thoughts of what we do not want. Then the Law of Attraction brings us even more to complain about. All complaining lowers your vibrations, but many of us complain so regularly that, like a mantra it becomes our regular language. Then we get stuck in a cycle of complaining, more problems, more complaining and so on.

Fortunately there is a way to change this and raise your vibrations ~ simply stop complaining. 

I often counsel clients to turn a simple complaint into a positive opposite. For example, if you feel inclined to complain about ill health, stop, and instead say "I'm in my best possible health today."

Think about these common complaints that roll off the tongue so easily. Although we may have been stuck in traffic, waiting for transportation in the cold or feeling unwell it is not necessary to share this with everyone that crosses your path throughout the day. Simply deal with the problem. For example, if you are sick ~ take a day off work, see a doctor and keep moving on through your day. When we choose to not complain the Universe picks up that intention and resolves the issue.

And an interesting fact, when we expect and demonstrate that our problems are insignificant and easy to resolve ~ they actually are.

What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Don't complain ... Maya Angelou

Never tell your problems to anyone ~ 20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them ... Lou Holtz

If you can quit, quit. If you can't quit, stop complaining ~ this is what you chose ... J. A. Komrath

Friday, January 30, 2015


This year, 2015 is my year of self mastery, truly learning to live the life of a Reiki Master, emotionally, physically and spiritually. As I journey forward, I use distance Reiki sending to all the situations throughout my life that have left scars ~ felt or not felt, seen or unseen. Although it seems  I have released the emotions surrounding various incidents, my body retains the cellular memory from each and every traumatic event I have gone through. So day by day, I send Reiki to each traumatic situation to heal and release at the cellular level, encouraging my body to move into a more healthful state, embracing what is natural ~ health not dis-ease.

All the decisions and actions made though the years have created our lives, not only in this life, but in past lives as well. Every action has a reaction and ultimately comes back to us. If we adopt the truth that we are responsible for everything we experience in life, we will be centered in our power, able to create positive and lasting change in our lives.

Negative experiences are our own actions coming full circle and as long as that negative serves us it will remain. By using the wisdom and love of Reiki we are able to take responsibility for them. Reiki guides healing and balances energy bringing us to a healthful place, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This prevents additional negative actions and breaks the vicious downward spiral that can lead to feelings of victimization. These seemingly negative experiences contain important lessons ~ in fact, they are exactly what we need to learn to progress on our spiritual path. Embrace them as a learning gift ~ there are no coincidences.

My spiritual path is connecting me to my true nature ~ love, wisdom and personal power that are within me. As I begin to identify with my deeply healed self, I come closer to the ultimate goal of my journey. But, to achieve this, it is necessary to heal and release all the parts of myself which are not deeply healed. Reiki gently guides me through this process, giving me the healing and understanding to move forward, mastering my self and embracing life as a true Master.

And so it is ....

I am everything and everyone, I am no longer a fragment of the universe, I am the universe 
.... Jim Carey 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Soul Connections

Have you ever met someone and been overwhelmed with the feeling you've met them before? Or do you have a friend that even though you may have only been friends a short time, it feels like you've spent a lifetime together?

We may know someone in a relationship on this earth, but deep within our soul there is a different connection, a connection that transcends time and lifetimes.  There is a good chance that your soul recognizes the person and you know instinctively that this is someone with whom there is history. Quite often the people that we shared our past lives with are the same people we share our current life with. We may not come back in the same roles though. For example, your mother in a previous lifetime could be your daughter in this life. Or someone that you hated in a previous life could be your best friend in this life. It’s not unusual for us to come across people in our current lifetime with whom we shared another lifetime. Here are some signs that we may have shared a lifetime with someone who is currently in our lives.
  • An immediate positive or negative connection or reaction.
  • A strong sense of déjà vu.
  • You share a telepathic connection.
  • You recognize something in their eyes.
  • A short lived but very intense relationship.
Those souls that we share a deep connection with and who we have chosen to learn and grow with, are the ones who are in our lives to teach us the most profound lessons. 

Recently I have met several people with whom I have formed an instant but very deep bond, a friendship and love so much deeper than anything I ever experienced previously. An innate knowing that we have been through much more than what this lifetime has provided.

These relationships that sustain us through many lifetimes will always come back to you. Souls know each other, even though we may not. And will always seek each other out on this earthly plane. They come together always so we may learn the lessons necessary to move on.

What is happening in this relationship now? Look for the lesson. If you are being challenged in some way either positively or negatively, this a good sign that there  is a soul connection here.

Is someone helping you with no expectations? This is a sure sign that you most likely have helped in a past life and that is being paid forward.

Are you in a situation that seems familiar to you, like you've been through this before? We have all come into this lifetime with particular lessons to learn. We may learn the lesson the first time, but if not, we will repeat it until we do. If you repeat a past experience but with a different person then this is another sign of a deep past-life connection. As you failed to learn the lesson in the past, you have been gifted a new ‘teacher’. Herein lies the lesson ~ once you recognize that you and not the other person, are the common denominator, you will release the lesson and the situation with them will change. They will either leave your life and this lesson will not be repeated, or your relationship will continue but in an entirely different way.

Soul Connections

There have been many lives
That I have lived
They come to me one by one
These friendships in my life
We've travelled before and will travel again

As my consciousness rises
So to does my knowing
I want to reach past the physical 
To touch your soul
Reminding me of who we were
And what we had 
The love we shared

So I wait for the times when the visions break through
A glimpse of long ago life
In a country far away
I see the colours, I hear the sounds
I feel the heart of is country
Beat within mine

Take me back to that time
So I can relive these experiences
If only in my mind for a while
Let me touch you as I touched you then
Let me hold you as I held you then
Let me once again know you as I knew you then ....