Reiki Speaks To Me

Reiki Speaks To Me

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Healers Need Healing Too

What an incredible few years this has been as I journey forward with my Reiki and now awakening my abilities as Shaman, mentoring with a beautiful soul ~ a Celtic Shaman. How privileged I am to have had these gifts awakened in me.

However even as one who shares these abilities with others on their healing journeys, we as healers are human too, we can be hurt, we cry, we feel pain, we feel loss. And we need to learn how to channel these situations into a learning experience so we may grow and move forward to even greater possibilities.

Early this year I went through a major surgery which traumatized my body and I am still, even seven months later working towards a full recovery. On the heels of that physical trauma, I suffered an emotional loss which left me shattered and fragile. I worked through it, releasing, cutting emotional cords and releasing some more. Or so I thought, until very recently when during meditations I was shown that my lower chakras ~ solar plexus, sacral and root were closed and not spinning. How shocked I was to learn this after having worked so hard to remove blocks and clear out many locked emotions. As I worked through this, it was also revealed to me that this was playing a major role in my healing process. As I said in a earlier blog post ~ in order for your life force to flow unimpeded, chakras must be open. Like a river that is blocked with debris, if even one chakra is closed, life force energies (Qi) cannot flow.

I had not realized how deeply this wound had cut me. So deeply in fact that I continued to hold onto an unreasonable fear deep in my gut that others with whom I shared a deep bond might also break my heart and trust, once again leaving me shattered. So now in order to move forward into my true potential, I must spend time in meditations and self healing to release this unreasonable fear, thereby allowing my sacral and root chakras to reopen allowing my beautiful Qi to flow once again.


The healing road is long and rough
A winding road with many turns
And seemingly insurmountable mountains
Along the way ~ 
Will I ever reach the end?

I thought I had healed after years of hard work
My chakras had opened, in harmony they spun
My heart wall came down, emotions released
I was strong, but then a trust was broken
As was my heart
Like a sail with no wind, I was empty
My trust shattered like fragile glass

How do I let go, how do I move on?
Cutting the emotional cords that bind us together
This loss of friendship and energies
Cut deeply into my soul
Can I trust I will have that love and bond again?
Dare I let myself go, allow someone else in
If I invest my all
Will I be shattered again?

Suddenly I knew, everything was different
My chakras were closed
Energies didn't flow as they had, physical pain had increased
In vain I searched for the path to come back

Should I let down my guard, share my emotions
What if I'm hurt again 
But then in the quiet of my meditations
I heard a voice speak softly to me
Remember dear heart ~ this is a gift
Embrace the pain, feel the pain, process the pain
And be open ~ there are lessons to be learned

Leave the hurts of the past behind you
And move into this moment
Use the hurt to strengthen your resolve
To stay true to your path 
Your destiny is as a powerful healer 
Sharing this gift with many
You will endure heartbreak and pain
And suffering is part of the path you must walk
Take the time to learn to heal yourself 

Acknowledge this and know you will heal
And in this knowledge you will become stronger
Allow the flow of energies to heal you and open your chakras
And rest in the knowledge that all is well and
Perfect ~

The wound is the place where the Light enters you 
... Rumi

The emotion that can break your heart, is sometimes the very one that can heal it 
... Nicolas Sparks

Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us 
... David Richo

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