Reiki Speaks To Me

Reiki Speaks To Me

Sunday, July 27, 2014

What About After Life

Do you ever ponder the great hereafter?

Were you raised in an atmosphere where you were taught to believe that there is a heaven, hell and a mighty God able to strike terror into the heart of his own and who sits on his throne condemning sinners to hell.

Having come through a magnificent spiritual awakening, I have spent much time in discussion, personal research, considerable soul searching and thought. After reading numerous books on the topic of near death experience and life after death, I now lovingly embrace the belief of a Divine creator, one who does not sit in judgement, but welcomes all into an unconditional loving embrace after life ends here. Upon completion of our journey on earth, we will all transition back to the energy source from which we originally came. We came from unconditional love and we will return to unconditional love. 

But what if a person here on earth chooses to commit heinous crimes? What happens to his soul/energy?

When we incarnate into our body, we contracted or chose our parents and our life experiences during our time on earth. What lessons we need to learn directly reflect the life we choose. So what we choose to do between birth and death are predetermined by our soul contracts and also of our own free will. The soul incarnates as needed in order to learn from the world and develop to its' highest possible potential at which time the soul ascends.

So what of final judgement? Judgement is a human concept, not Divine. Speaking with spiritual intuitive, Theresa Marcotte, she explained, "The concept of judging is very much a human perspective, bound by human rules and human understanding of right and wrong. Unfortunately when humans chose to view situations from a perspective of right vs wrong, good vs bad, they miss the bigger picture of understanding karmic lessons, life balancing, life experiences, soul expansion and the biggest of all, our eternal selves which never cease to exist." 

Take some time to contemplate death. This is one part of life from which there is no escaping. Accept your impermanence and from that will come an opening within you, which is beyond your physical form ~ your soul or energetic being. That part of us is not touched by death, the soul comes forward when you can completely accept the impermanence of your human body. Eckhart Tolle says to contemplate death ~ walk through a cemetery, read the names on headstones, see and feel the impermanence of life in this final resting place. Now you can realize that your human form is only a temporary home for your higher self, your magnificent soul which never dies. Allow it to lead you in this lifetime as you open to the infinite possibilities and abilities within yourself.

When you realize life is fleeting, it is but an illusion, you can come to a greater acceptance of what is. And know that upon completion of this journey, all souls will return to their original energetic form in a place of unconditional love.

I am but a pilgrim
Journeying in this world
Traveling through life experiences
As my days flow

From a place of love I came
And to a place of love I will return
 Learning lessons and growing
As I journey forward

My energy flows
With high vibrational frequencies 
Other souls on the same frequency
Flock to me ~ we've known each other
Long, long ago

I chose this journey
Before my birth
To achieve my full potential
And fulfill my destiny

I yearn for the day
When I'll return home
Safe into the arms
Of loved ones gone before

Oh the joy I'll embrace
When I experience unconditional love
Surrounding me, filling me, lifting me up
Sweeping me along in blissful peace

No pain, no worry
No need for words
We'll exchange love through our all knowing heart
I will be home .... B. Takeda

Everything that seemingly happens externally is occurring in order to trigger something within us, to expand us and take us back to who we truly are ... We are not these bodies; we're neither our accomplishments nor our possessions—we are all one with the Source of all being, which is God 
... Anita Moorjani

To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment ... Eckhart Tolle

Monday, July 21, 2014


A friendship ~ such a beautiful experience between two people. The honesty, the comfort, the joy and sorrows shared.

To love and be loved ~ To accept and be accepted ~ What greater gift is there?

The love of a friend
Is such a precious gift
Which must be treasured
Nurtured and protected from harm

The feelings run deep
Like the ocean depths
Deeper and deeper they envelop my soul
Yet they feel so familiar
Have we been here before,
In another life, another time?

I treasure these moments
As my spirit takes flight
On the wings of an eagle
I experience such joy
When our moments we share together

Such moments are exquisite
When we open to each other
And lay bare our souls
Revealing our deepest thoughts
Exchanging our energy

Long before our souls took this shape
We gave our energy
Through powerful heart pulses
Communicating our thoughts, our feelings
No need for words
Our hearts were open to sharing

In our human forms
When a pulse is exchanged
It becomes an extraordinary experience
Bursting from one heart to another
The sensation is so strong
As I feel the energetic pulse move between us

I can hear and feel your heart beat
I can sense your strength
As I'm rocked by this pulse
Which was given in a moment
But kept for a lifetime

This friendship ~ such a surprise
As it grows between us
What drew us together
A simple connection or a deeper familiarity
Have I known you before?

Is this friendship
As delicate as a dried flower petal
Liable to break apart
Under the slightest pressure
I dare not hold too tightly
Or the petal may crumble

Oh dear friend
I keep you close to my heart
And pray you feel the same
May our friendship stand the test of time
And sustain us as we grow old together

These words are dedicated to friends all over the world who have each other's backs, who love unconditionally, who accept without question, who listen without judgement and who are always there. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Just Be

The earth calls me ~ I step barefoot down onto her
And lay my body down
I allow a connection to grow between the earth and me
I feel her energy softly whisper to me
"Let me fill every fibre of your being"

As I lay there, I look into the cloudless sky
Searching for the answers
To the questions
That infiltrate my every waking thought

The mystery of the ages
Swirls through my memories
The knowledge of who I was
Before life decided who I should be
And my magnificence was shrouded

The little insects in the grass
Are disturbed by my intrusion into their world
They test the boundaries of my skin, my body
As they look for ways around this barrier which is me

I lay my hands upon the grass
And wiggle my fingers into her depths
I reach the cool earth at her base
And I feel her energy
As it courses through every fibre of my being

Now I hear the messages as they come
Like the endless waves of the ocean
"Ground yourself to Mother Earth
Allow her energy to strengthen you
Drink in the wisdom of the ages
Let it surround you, let it fill you, let it be your everything
Resurrect who you once were
Rediscover that which was buried
Allow your beautiful light to shine
Becoming your most magnificent self
And then ~ just be" ...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Can Good & Bad Coexist?

As I move further into my journey with Reiki, my spiritually becomes more of who I am at my core. The depth of my belief, forgiveness, acceptance, all encompassing unconditional love ~ this is what I strive to be daily.

I find myself drawn to others whose spiritual awakening matches mine.

Opening to others while a beautiful spiritual and learning experience can also present it's difficulties. What if the person you are opening to is a fraud, masquerading as spiritually awakened but still living in the third dimensional world? Or maybe they have awakened but family, friendships or career positions don't allow them to embrace their full spiritual potential. Their shadow self keeps the upper hand when in fact they need to maintain the upper hand and learn to coexist with their shadow self. British analyst Liz Greene points to the paradoxical nature of the shadow as both the container of darkness and the beacon pointing toward light. "The shadow is both the awful thing that needs redemption, and the suffering redeemer who can provide it."

"Beneath the social mask we wear every day, we have a hidden shadow side: an impulsive, wounded, sad, or isolated part that we generally try to ignore. The Shadow can be a source of emotional richness and vitality, and acknowledging it can be a pathway to healing and an authentic life. We meet our dark side, accept it for what it is, and we learn to use its powerful energies in productive ways. The Shadow knows why good people sometimes do "bad" things. Romancing the Shadow and learning to read the messages it encodes in daily life can deepen your consciousness, imagination, and soul.Connie Zwieg, PhD., and Steve Wolf, PhD.

It is a daily battle to overcome those negative emotions that threaten to undermine us ~ anger, resentment, jealousy, hatred, judgement, self loathing. There is constant self questioning ~ are we good enough, do we measure up, are we keeping up with our neighbours? When we look in the mirror, do we see our inner beautiful soul or only the image the mirror reflects back at us? And what do we say to that image in the mirror ~ You're ugly, you're fat, you're not good enough?

But you are good enough ~ you are worthy of love!!! But until we embrace this belief and love ourselves unconditionally, the third dimensional world along with our shadow self will continue calling our name and the more often you answer that call the tighter the hold.

It is a lifelong challenge learning to coexist with the shadow self. But the rewards can be immeasurable if we can accomplish this. The painful, deep parts of our psyche that lead to these negative behaviours will continue to take over your thoughts and behaviour unless you are willing to look at them, accept them as part of your consciousness, and then release the energy that you have wrapped up in them making it available for your spiritual growth.

I have spent over two years in my journey trying to eradicate negative emotions from my thought process, but recently I have discovered that they need to be brought into my consciousness, so I can learn the lessons they have to teach and work with them.

Spend time listening to the clues that you may hear again and again from family, friends, coworkers. They may shed light on the parts of you that need the most attention.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes ... Carl Jung

A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there's work to be done ... Ram Dass

When we are aware of our weaknesses or negative tendencies, we open the opportunity to work on them ... Allan Lokos

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Writing Again

How I enjoy writing. When I put pen to paper I feel cleansed and healed as the words flow through me.

And so it goes ~

The pain of the past, simmering just beneath
The face she exposed to the world
Always there, churning and bubbling
Destroying her self esteem, her morals, her thoughts, her abilities
Deeper and deeper they went until she couldn't recognize them any longer.

What happened to this woman, what hurts, what pain, what grief
That left her wanting ~ health, happiness, freedom from the pain
How deep must she dig to release this pain
Can she find what she seeks?

She experienced abuse, she experienced death
She experienced the sting of betrayal
The bite of familial hatred
All working together to create that fertile ground for every negative emotion
Anger, resentment, self loathing, judgement, bitterness, envy
This girl was good for no-one.

Then one day ~ a change
She was brought to the edge but, could she take the next step
What was waiting beyond
Forgiveness, acceptance, self love, humility
All within her reach, yet could she release the past?

The cloaks of grief and depression were wrapped tightly around her
They had her locked within their grip
They comforted her, they eased her pain, they protected her from the world
Did she want to drop these crutches and walk ~ NO
But deep within she knew she must let them drop from her body as leaves must drop from the trees in autumn.

Shifting, awakening, changing at her core
Releasing ego, piety, anger, resentments
The list was painfully long
The pain was moving upwards and outwards ~ breaking the surface
Wearing her down, reminding her of the horrors.

How low were her vibrations
But now they were climbing
She felt the difference in her soul
She loved, she laughed, she embraced the wholeness of life.

Reiki became part of her journey
Introduced to her one winter solstice night
She felt the pulsing energy and knew she had come home
Her searching was over
Like a rosebud opening to the sunshine, she too was opening.

The fear of death now gone ~ replaced with peaceful acceptance
The horrors of a cruel God replaced with a Divine Source of unconditional love
She pondered her lives, previous and yet to come
How many lives had she lived, how many more would she live?
What gifts had she given, what gifts had she to offer the world?

A new life was hers ~ it was within her reach
The hurts now gone, replaced with unconditional all encompassing love
How could she have existed so long not in this state
Unaware ~ living but not living
Reiki had brought her this joy
She would forever be grateful for that winter solstice night
When she felt the energy in that hand in her shoulder
Waking her, changing her core, filling her up
She truly had come home ...