Reiki Speaks To Me

Reiki Speaks To Me

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Seed Planting

How often I have spent time with a friend when they have a problem and then later think, " I wish I could do more to help them get over this problem".

As I continue journeying and embracing my Reiki, I am learning so much. Every day I affirm that I release all negative thoughts and emotions, embracing only positive. By doing this, I am planting the seeds of positivity in my emotional and physical self, thereby raising my vibrational level, so not only do I feel better, but I am better equipped to offer support to those who need it. It may not be with words, but simply by offering my presence.

Recently a dear person in my life came to me with a devastating situation. She is losing her best friend to cancer, most likely within this year. She has called me numerous times and always starts her  conversation with the statement, "you're so comforting to talk to, I just needed to hear your voice today". Her journey throughout these past weeks has been interesting as she replays back to me numerous times, the things I have said to her when offering comfort. The seed planting is taking root.

Another dear friend I spoke with yesterday is struggling terribly with the deaths of two family members. He cannot let go of his grief and the depression that comes along with it. We spoke at length and I relayed some of what I went through when I lost my mother. I remember not wanting to take off the cloak of grief and depression that I had wrapped so tightly around myself. I knew it was weighing me down, yet it comforted me at the same time. He too realizes the situation he is in, but is not ready to release it. I told him, he would release it exactly when he was supposed to. Right now, this is where he is supposed to be and what he is supposed to be going through. And once he embraces and finds gratitude for this pain, these wounds will strengthen him in his future.

I went on to share with him, how the Japanese in mending broken objects will aggrandize the damage by filing the crack with pure gold. They believe that when something has suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful. I'm planting seeds.

When I started my journey, I could never have imagined myself mentoring anyone, yet now, I find the opportunity to help others is constantly put in my way. I am starting to reap the harvest of the seeds I have been planting. Seeds of intention along with my desire to help others.

So do not wallow in self pity over difficult situations, people who have hurt you, wrongs that have been perpetuated against you, a past that may not have been perfect. Instead find the gratitude for these things. Your history is making you more beautiful and then you can start seed planting in your life.

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant
~ Robert Louis Stevenson

The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there ~ Buddha

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A New Chapter

Tonight, I move forward in my Reiki journey as I open my home to a Reiki sharing and healing circle. I had been attending another Reiki group, when four months ago there was sudden and unexpected separation. Having this weekly giving and receiving of Reiki suddenly ripped away from me presented a very difficult period for me to navigate. As I pondered this situation in my life, the idea of leading my own group continued to infiltrate my thoughts. I started to think, why not? After all my ultimate goal is to mentor and teach. But ~ where do I begin, how do I attract like minded individuals, do I advertise, do I glean from my clients? These were all questions whizzing around in my mind.

What I didn't realize was that all I had to do was release my intentions to the universe.

It amazes me ~ there are no coincidences. When you lose something you value  ~ a relationship, a job, something you considered vital and integral to your life, you will suddenly realize something new that has been provided to fill the gap. And it not only fills the gap, but fulfills so much more than what you anticipated. And so it has come to be with my Reiki group. When my first group was removed from my life, I felt tremendous loss, almost a sense of grief. Last week a level II Reiki called me for a healing session. As we talked and shared, her interest was piqued to attend a possible Reiki circle in my home. As well a couple of weeks ago, I met another level II Reiki with whom I spiritually connected instantly. She too is very interested in attending. Now I look forward to having this circle with not one but three amazing individuals where we can share our love of Reiki weekly.

How blessed I am ~

These are the types of blessings that are given to us when we open to the power of intention. Spirit knows what we need, anticipates what we might need and provides when we need it.

The other day I was given a beautiful analogy on all that the universe has to offer being within our grasp. Think for a moment of the old game Kerplunk many of us played as children. All the marbles were loaded on top of a network of sticks which firmly held them in place. Imagine if you will, that network of sticks are all the negative thoughts and obstacles that you place in the way of receiving your marbles or desires. Changing your mindset to one of positive intentions will allow your vibrational energy to rise opening you to what was previously held back by your negative thoughts and obstacles. Then your marbles will come tumbling into your life fulfilling your dreams and desires.

Be realistic and expect miracles ...

Surrender your desires and wishes to Spirit, completely forgive yourself and others, accept that everything is as it should be, then release your intentions and believe that what you put out to the universe will come back to you. Believe me what will come back to you will be more than you can imagine.

You must learn a new to think before you can master a new way to be ~ Marianne Williamson 

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change ~ Wayne Dyer

If you conceive and believe it ~ you will achieve it .

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cutting Emotional Cords

"Cutting cords doesn't mean, "I don't love you or care about you anymore." Cord cutting doesn't necessarily lead to break-ups or abandoned relationships. It simply means that you are releasing the dysfunctional parts of your relationships. Remember, fear is the opposite of love, and etheric cords (and all attachments) are created from fear”. Doreen Virtue

If you have decided to move on from a relationship and you find it particularly difficult to “let-go” it may be that there are emotional cords of attachment holding you back. 

An emotional tie between two people causes patterns from the past to constantly be relived. These ties are an open channel between you and another person through which energy and emotions flow without your conscious knowledge. On a very subtle level, you are literally “attached” to each other. 

Emotional cords are every bit as real as if you were holding one end of the cord and the other person in the relationship holding the other end. The only difference is that you can't see this cord but you can surely feel it. It can hold you back from moving forward in your journey and embracing your wholeness as a beautiful spiritual being.

If you are in a relationship that is draining you, holding you back or taking away your power, you most likely have emotional cords between you. Can you cut them? Yes, but care should be taken with a conscious awareness and respect for the fact that this is a process.

The first thing you need to do is to take a break from being around this person, given the intensity of energy that is flowing between you. Sometimes these cords reach across time and space, so we have to work with them at all levels. 

When we give our power away to other people, our relationship with ourself is dysfunctional and we allow cords of energy to tie us to those people. You can cut the cord, but first you must resolve the underlying reason why you corded to this person in the first place, otherwise, the cord will continue to come back. 

It is necessary to have some ties in every relationship, but it is vital to see the difference between a beneficial and destructive tie. Every day we exchange energy with friends, partners, parents, children, siblings, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. Sometimes we may feel hurt, misunderstood, betrayed, judged, or insulted. Many times we are not aware of how much energy we give to these experiences which could ignite emotions such as fear, anger, or resentment. If we do not resolve and forgive these moments, we continually give our energy to these incidents and keep negative patterns  alive.

Are you unable to determine if you are energetically and/or emotionally tied to a person or situation? Take a moment to think of the person involved ~ do you feel an emotion rise up? Take note of what emotions you feel. Also how you feel after being around this person. Are you drained, are you feeling anger or just feeling off but can't put your finger on why? This shows that some of your energy is still invested in this relationship. 

Removing negative energies leaves us space for new harmonious energies to enter. When the energetic tie is cut, you will feel a sense of freedom or having a heavy burden removed. You may feel the effects physically, energetically, or emotionally.

Take your focus off the negative connections in your life and concentrate on the positive ones. By learning to recognize the healthy, nurturing connections in your life, it will become easier to identify unhealthy or depleting ones. The more you focus on the positive connections in your life, the more of these connections you will attract. By focusing on the positive, you may find some of the negative ties in your relationships will disintegrate by themselves.

Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself ... Deborah Reber

Letting go means coming to the realization that some people are part of your history, but not part of your destiny ... Steve Maraboli

Blessings and light ...