Reiki Speaks To Me

Reiki Speaks To Me

Friday, November 1, 2013


Do you know what kundalini is?

It is described in traditional hatha yoga as a coiled snake at the base of the spine. This image, like a spring, conveys the sense of untapped potential energy. Think of kundalini energy as the very foundation of our consciousness so that when it moves through our bodies our consciousness changes with it.

In our physical anatomy the central conduit for the kundalini energy is our spine up to and including the crown of our head. Along this channel are additional networks called chakras. These chakras are directly related to our anatomy ~ for example our throat, heart, solar plexus, and in turn these aspects of our anatomy are related to aspects of our human nature.

The goal of kundalini ~ to be liberated from the limiting bonds of the self-centered ego.

So, then what is a kundalini awakening? 

An awakening is associated with symptoms such as a mild sense of energy trickling up the spine. This does indicate some energy movement, but not a true kundalini awakening. A true awakening is different for each, but many have reported feelings like a freight train inside or a volcano erupting inside. With mild energetic movement, the ego stays intact and enjoyment will be derived from these pleasant sensations.

With a true awakening the force of kundalini eclipses the ego altogether and the individual is almost certain to feel disoriented for some time. There may even be periods of physical discomfort. In time however, any negative experiences will give way to deep realization.

We are presently experiencing a massive shift in energy with two basic paradigms of reality. The first recognizes the connection of all life with a higher mind of energy and intelligence. The second is separation and exploitation of many by a few. We are currently experiencing these paradigms running simultaneously. These are often referred to as good and evil, yin and yang, freedom and slavery, etc... Each individual has the potential and power to shift their own reality. In doing so we can influence others both passively and actively. Then, when we reach a certain critical mass, a paradigm shift occurs, this benefits everyone.

By awakening to this shift, we open ourselves to the higher vibrations at which a kundalini awakening can occur. Before we see changes in others' beliefs, we must change our own. We cannot force our will upon the world, we must look inward and change ourselves. Then our inner change will ripple outward like the ripples on water that is disrupted by a stone dropped onto its' still surface.

Rumi said, "you are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop".

The time is coming to embrace this energetic shift and find your path. Embrace yoga, meditation, touch therapy or Reiki.

You were born to be great ~ realize your true potential....

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