As my consciousness has risen, so too has my ability to let go of things and move on. I thought I had moved on from this situation, but when she asked me if I was ready to look at how this was reflecting me and how what I disliked about this person was actually a part of my shadow self. Well, mic drop!!!! I discuss this frequently when I’m coaching or healing a client. Triggers are golden opportunities for growth, for learning and digging deep to see what it is about the trigger that is within us that we hate.
But today as I worked through her 13 step process to let go, it suddenly occurred to me that what I disliked about this person is something within me that I need to come to terms with. Will I? Maybe or maybe not, it may not be where I can reach it, it could be repressed. And if it is, that’s okay too.
For now, all I need to recognize is that it IS within me, my shadow self, accept it, love myself through it and then release it.
Very grateful for these moments.