I experienced an incredible "aha" moment the other day. A moment that is difficult to put into words, but I wanted to share.
The majority of my life was spent in a traditional religious environment, attending Sunday school and church regularly. In my early 50's I lost my oldest sister, then two years later my father and then three years after that at the age of 58 my beloved mother. Each of these deaths stirred emotions deep within my soul, but at the time, I did not recognize them. I knew I was changing, searching, accepting new thought processes and beliefs but at the time not quite ready.
Following my mothers passing the wheels started turning setting the stage for my beautiful awakening starting with a terrible depression which lead to my complete breakdown. At this point, a very low point in my life, I was primed and ready for the enormous changes that were about to take place. After suffering for approximately six months, I met an intuitive spiritual mentor who gently guided me, helped me out the depths of the black hole I was suffering in and gave me a wee push - then I spread my wings and took off. And, I've never looked back!
My moment came to me when I pondered on the thought that for 58 years, I had struggled with my belief system. I was the one always questioning why we believed a certain way, why "our" God was the only true God, why a loving God would condemn people to Hell for eternity, the questions were endless and I could never be satisfied. But since awakening, I am comfortable in my knowing that everything follows an exact order, precisely the way it is intended to be. Everything is provided for me, everything is part of me and I am part of greater collective consciousness beyond my wildest dreams. There is no more need to question, to wonder. It is and I am.
Now I watch many others in my healing practice who struggle to release - release anger, release resentment, release the need to blame others for their life situation. The freedom in full release is extraordinary.
Only when we reach the place in our journey when we can give gratitude for everything, and I mean everything that has occurred to us in our lives, can we move on. Full grown adults who consistently blame parenting from their childhood must come to the realization that their parents did their best with the knowledge and skills they had at the time. We cannot move out of Victimhood while we continue to hold onto this blame of others for our situation. As an adult we are able to choose how we react to any given situation.
So the next time someone or something causes you difficulties, how will you choose to react. With anger or with gratitude for the lesson being provided for your growth?