1 ~ This headache is getting on my nerves
2 ~ My stomach is so upset
3 ~ I’m starving
4 ~ I hate working
5 ~ I hate this weather
6 ~ The trains, subways, buses were late again
7 ~ I hate sitting in this traffic jam
8 ~ This situation is stressing me out
9 ~ What is wrong with people today
10 ~ There are no good men available any more
11 ~ I feel like crap
12 ~ So and so is such a b****
13 ~ I hate my boss, he's an idiot
14 ~ I’m so fat, I hate my hips, I hate my stomach, I hate my thighs
15 ~ Men are such jerks
16 ~ I hate him/her
17 ~ What is the matter with kids these days
18 ~ I’m tired, I am so exhausted, I didn't sleep well
19 ~ It’s too hot outside, it's too cold outside, I’m freezing, I'm boiling
20 ~ I'm sooooo bored
In order to have a wonderful and productive life, we must be careful of the thoughts we think and the words we speak. Constantly complaining keeps us trapped in the very energy that we are complaining about.
When we complain, we are verbalizing our thoughts of what we do not want. Then the Law of Attraction brings us even more to complain about. All complaining lowers your vibrations, but many of us complain so regularly that, like a mantra it becomes our regular language. Then we get stuck in a cycle of complaining, more problems, more complaining and so on.
Fortunately there is a way to change this and raise your vibrations ~ simply stop complaining.
I often counsel clients to turn a simple complaint into a positive opposite. For example, if you feel inclined to complain about ill health, stop, and instead say "I'm in my best possible health today."
Think about these common complaints that roll off the tongue so easily. Although we may have been stuck in traffic, waiting for transportation in the cold or feeling unwell it is not necessary to share this with everyone that crosses your path throughout the day. Simply deal with the problem. For example, if you are sick ~ take a day off work, see a doctor and keep moving on through your day. When we choose to not complain the Universe picks up that intention and resolves the issue.
And an interesting fact, when we expect and demonstrate that our problems are insignificant and easy to resolve ~ they actually are.
And an interesting fact, when we expect and demonstrate that our problems are insignificant and easy to resolve ~ they actually are.
What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Don't complain ... Maya Angelou
Never tell your problems to anyone ~ 20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them ... Lou Holtz
If you can quit, quit. If you can't quit, stop complaining ~ this is what you chose ... J. A. Komrath