Reiki Speaks To Me

Reiki Speaks To Me

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Positive or Negative

Today I met someone and we instantly connected at a very deep level. We sat and talked for hours.

I wonder, why are there connections with some but not others? There are, I believe invisible threads joining us to those we hold dear and also reserved for those yet unmet.

Energies are shifting right now, individual vibrations are changing, spirituality is growing. I am amazed at the incredible people who have become dear friends over the past couple of years. Each of these people have been provided at an opportune time in my journey to provide me with needed learning and lessons.

As I have grown spiritually through my journey, my vibrational energy too has also increased. This, I believe lays at the root of why a particular type of person constantly crosses my path. Vibrational energy extends beyond the physical form, sometimes extending upwards of 8-12 feet. Anyone crossing through that vibrational field will feel that positive energy and be attracted to it. They may not understand why, but they most likely will feel happier,

What do you project in your life and what type of people do you attract to yourself? We either project a positive or negative energy field. How can you know? Look closely at your life. Do you wake up every morning with gratitude in your heart or do you wake up dreading the day ahead? That is a good indicator of what you are projecting. By employing an attitude of gratitude, it is impossible to feel negative emotions. These two emotions cannot reside side by side. If you are grateful how can you possibly be angry? Negativity can be so ingrained in you that you don't even realize it. That is because negativity sometimes comes disguised as ‘reality’. It’s easy to think that you’re ‘being realistic’ by not living or following your dreams ~ and soon you will believe it! This doesn’t mean that being realistic is automatically negative. If your version of reality is negative and you view the world from a ‘realistic’ standpoint, you can’t help but be negative.

Are you a glass half full or glass half empty person? Even without any liquid, the glass is never empty ~ it is always full of air and energy. If your version of reality is negative, you have been conditioned to believe that whatever can go wrong, will go wrong and whatever can go right, will probably go wrong too. Your unconscious beliefs make you into a negative person without your being aware of it!

If this is you, you will find that most of the people and events attracted to your life are also leaning towards negativity. The law of attraction says that like attracts like and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results.

How can we change this pervasive attitude of negativity. Simply by starting with one thought.When a  negative emotion crosses your mind, replace it with the positive emotion. For example, if you wake and instantly think, "I am in pain, everything hurts and I'm aching all over", replace that thought with, "I am in-joying my best possible health right now." If you are angry with someone over an incident, instead send them love. You and only you choose how you react to the situation.

What will happen if you employ this attitude? Your positive energy will magnetically attract what you consider to be good and right for you: people, situations, things ~ you will start to see an increase in your happiness and inner peace. Choose positive energies! Make these small changes within, and you will see positive changes reflected in your life. 

Enjoy the good feelings and all the abundance the Universe has to offer.

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour. Keep your behaviour positive because your behaviour becomes your habits. Keeps your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny ... Mahatma Gandhi 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Which Way Do You Spin?

In order to be healthy, emotionally and physically your chakras must be clear from blockages and spinning in a clockwise manner. A healthy chakra, spinning clockwise takes energy into the body. If it is spinning counter clockwise, it sends energy out of the body, leaving you more open to illness.

You have seven main chakras represented by a different colour, each connected to different emotions and organs.

Let's take a tour shall we from the first to the seventh to see what each one does.

The first chakra or energy centre is located at the base of the spine. Called the "root chakra" it is represented by red. It carries our life force upwards and down through our legs connecting us to the earth for grounding and support. An unbalanced or distorted root chakra can exhibit a variety of physical symptoms in the adrenals, rectum, spinal, immune related disorders, osteoporosis and other bone disorders. If this chakra is balanced you enjoy trust, security and a strong connection to family and community. You feel at home in your body and enjoy it.

The second chakra or energy centre is located several inches below the naval. Called the "sacral chakra" it is represented by orange. This centre governs our sensuality, sexuality, emotions, our inner child, governs how we establish boundaries and how we relate in groups. An unbalanced or distorted sacral chakra may result in sexual dysfunction, disease or dysfunction of the reproductive system, IBS, colitis, bladder or urinary problems, appendicitis and lower back problems. If this chakra is balanced you enjoy touching and being touched. You are comfortable both giving and receiving enjoyment, love, money and material things. You know when to and are comfortable saying no.

The third chakra or energy centre is located near the sternum. Called the "power chakra" it is represented by yellow. This centre governs our self esteem, self worth and personal power. An unbalanced or distorted power chakra may result in diabetes, digestive issues, gallbladder problems, hiatus hernia, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. If this chakra is balanced you will claim your power and stand in it. Your intentions are clearly focused and you can and will accomplish a great deal.

The fourth chakra or energy centre is located in the centre of the chest. Called the "heart chakra" it is represented by green. This chakra is the bridge between the three lower chakras that connect us to the  earth and the three upper chakras that connect us to the infinite. An unbalanced or distorted heart chakra may result in heart problems, breathing ~ asthma and allergies, immune deficiency, circulation and tension held between the shoulder blades. Functioning properly you are able to give and receive unconditional love. You are vulnerable and open, grateful, content, at peace, compassionate and forgiving.

The fifth chakra or energy centre is located at the throat. Called the "throat chakra" it is represented by blue. This chakra is associated with creative expression and the ability to speak our truth. When this chakra is out of balance it can result in temporomandibular joint problems, thyroid disease, swollen glands, neck problems, sinus issues, mouth and teeth disorders. Functioning properly you live your dreams, your vision and your greater purpose.

The sixth chakra or energy centre is located between the brows. Called the "third eye chakra" it is represented by violet. Through this chakra we can develop our senses beyond the scope of our normal five senses. A distorted sixth chakra can result in being close minded, problems with sight, headaches, neurological disorders, strokes and upper or frontal sinus disorders. Functioning properly you are open minded and seek the truth.

The seventh chakra or energy centre is located on the crown of our head. Called the "crown chakra" it is represented by indigo. This chakra is our connection with spirit, our higher power and the universe. Distortion of this chakra can result in learning difficulties, spiritual addictions and rigid belief systems. Diseases and disorders that can result from a distorted crown chakra are neurological disorders, depression, bipolar, dementia, dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. Functioning properly you live openly, fully on your path and selflessly contribute to the greater good.

So how can chakras be opened and cleared of blockages. Crystals may be used with great success to open the chakras, matching the colour of the crystal to the colour of the chakra. For example a garnet for the root chakra and an amethyst for the crown chakra. Reiki is another amazing way to open and clear blockages in the chakras. I have personally witnessed massive healing and changes with reiki alone. As well regular meditation will open and clear them.

Having suffered personally through years of physical illness due to blocked energy centres, I have realized the amazing benefits of clearing blockages and my chakras now spin freely in a clockwise manner. As emotional baggage dropped away, I felt myself becoming a more open and loving person. Forgiveness and acceptance came easier. And physical illnesses started to slowly drop away. My energy centres are clear and my life force is able to flow freely.

Today I see a different world than I did and I am grateful for each and every moment. I am fully present in my life and look forward with gratitude for the start of my next decade having just passed by my 60th birthday.

"Your personal vibration or energy state is a blend of the contracted or expanded frequencies of your body, emotions, and thoughts at any given moment. The more you allow your soul to shine through you, the higher your personal vibration will be."
 ~ Penney Peirce 

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see" ~ Henry David Thoreau